Monday, September 26, 2016

Literacy and Science not so Rich

Integrating subjects with literacy may seem like an easy task. 
However, ensuring that the tasks is considered to be a Rich Task can be difficult.
Here is an example of why this lesson that integrates both science and literacy is not a rich task for students to take part in. 

Orphaned Spirit Bear Writing Activity

Strand: Habitats and Communities 

Grade: 4

Before the Task:

  • Have students read the article Orphaned Spirit Bear Gets New Home by Andrea Klassen (2015, May 15). 
  • Have a discussion with students about the article.

Writing Task:

  • Students will be asked to write a descriptive paragraph about what they would like to have placed in a habitat if they were in Clover's shoes (a spirit bear).

Success Criteria:

Students are able to...
  • write a descriptive paragraph about a habitat suitable for a spirit bear to live in. 
  • use adjectives to help describe the habitat they would like to live in as a spirit bear.
  • write a paragraph, which includes concise writing.

Why is This Not a Rich Task? 

Although this activity integrates both science and literacy there is not an equal balance between the two subjects. The main focus of this activity is literacy with the emphasis on descriptive writing. This activity is also considered to be not a rich task because of the lack of teaching skills it incorporates. There is little variety in teaching and learning styles where students have the opportunities to be successful depending on their learning needs. This activity does not promote much inquiry based learning for students to truly engage in while learning about habitats and communities. 

How Could we Turn This into a Rich Task?

Prior to students beginning their descriptive paragraphs it is important for the teacher to brainstorm with the students ideas in a variety of ways. Students could brainstorm characteristics of a good habitat for Clover by writing a list, drawing simple pictures, or verbally expressing their ideas. By giving students the opportunity to chose how they will share their ideas you are able to incorporate a number of learning styles that gives students the chance to be successful during this activity. By discussing characteristics that would make a suitable habitat for a spirit bear science is being incorporated more in the lesson, giving literacy and science an equal balance during the integration. When bringing an equal balance of scientific information into a lesson such as this one, it would spark students interests and allow for more inquiry based learning, which then creates a rich task for learning. 

Klassen. A. (2015, May 15). Spirit Bear gets royal treatment with new enclosure in Kamloops, B.C. 680 News. Retrieved from

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